How to Survive a Social Gathering as a Highly Sensitive Person (Episode 8)

Drinks toasting

If you’re a highly sensitive person, then you know that socializing isn’t always an easy breezy low-stress thing.

Because you’re a deep processor, when you’re in a group social setting, there’s a lot to tune into that can feel chaotic and overstimulating. Especially if you're in a new environment around new people. 

Moving into a new social situation, going to holiday gatherings, parties, or weddings, requires a survival plan going in. 

When I am going to a get-together, I approach socializing like running a marathon. You wouldn’t go into a 26-mile race or a party without a solid plan to make it through. 

When I was in college, I survived social situations by drinking. But several years ago, I pretty much stopped drinking, even at parties. I hated how it made me feel the next day, and a single drink turned me into a quiet ghost in the corner. That was the opposite of the effect I was going for.  

Without alcohol, I was anxious and felt like I was walking into a function naked. Unexpectedly, because alcohol wasn’t clouding my powers of observation, I learned a few things about how to survive and have more fun at social gatherings. 

In this podcast episode, I’m sharing what I learned that you can use to make it through a social gathering, whether or not you’re drinking. 

In the last podcast episode of this year, you will learn...

  • How to physically and mentally prepare to socialize

  • What to do if you regret saying yes to an invitation at the 11th hour

  • How to feel more confident and practice mindful socializing

  • After a night out, what you can do to stop beating yourself up for something you said or did

I want you to have tips and strategies going into the holiday season to enjoy the events that you decide to attend. And also to give yourself permission to do only what feels aligned and lights you up.

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Links + Resources Mentioned in this Episode

How to Cope with Intense Situations, Episode 3, The Happy Highly Sensitive Life Podcast

How to Cope with Your Feelings as a Highly Sensitive Person, Episode 4, The The Happy Highly Sensitive Life Podcast

This Science-Backed Mantra Will Help You Shine Under Pressure When All Eyes are on You

The Willpower Instinct by Dr. Kelly McGonigal

How to Have a Good Day by Caroline Webb

Here’s a picture of our small and intimate wedding, held on my sister’s front porch. We invited just 25 people and Adam’s brother officiated.

Small front porch wedding

Photo credit: Ophelia Lenz