How to Cope with Your Feelings as a Highly Sensitive Person (Episode 4)

As HSPs, we are big-hearted people. For many of us, our parents, family, teachers and coaches didn’t know what to make of our strong feeling nature. 

To get by, I learned to push down my emotions. Bypassing my feelings worked until I entered a more complicated phase of life and had to deal with roommates, serious relationships and a full-time job. 

I was often a big jumble of emotions, not sure how I felt. And when I knew what I felt, I didn’t know if I had a right to say it. Worried that I would appear needy or high maintenance, I pulled away until my feelings just blew over and I got over it. But the problems kept festering under the surface with no real resolution, so they kept coming up repeatedly. 

Looking back, the first thing I needed was a way to make sense of my feelings. And no matter how much progress I’ve made with learning to be with my feelings, from time to time I’m still not sure what’s happening with me emotionally. 

If you can relate and you’re not sure how to make sense of what you’re feeling and how to handle big emotions, then the latest episode of my podcast is for you.

In this episode, you will learn...

  • Why emotions have been mislabeled as a liability by our culture 

  • How emotions can give you an advantage

  • Why it’s hard to know what you’re feeling as an HSP 

  • 7 ways to cope with your feelings

  • One daily practice that will give you an edge for coping with feelings

This episode will give you tools to handle big emotions and tap into your own resilience. 

If you have a question for me about something you hear on this podcast or want to suggest a topic for a future episode, email me at

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Links + Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

The Joy of Movement by Kelly McGonigal

Episode 3, How to Cope with Intense Situations as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

Take The Highly Sensitive Person Quiz by Dr. Elaine Aron, PhD


“No” feelings, stop or “red light” feelings or resistance feelings:

  • Anxious or Fearful- Apprehensive about an upcoming event or situation

  • Worried- Distressed, uneasy, troubled

  • Irritated- Annoyed by someone or something

  • Mad or angry- Strong negative response as a result of a perceived wrong

  • Disappointed- Sad or displeased by someone or something failing to meet hopes or expectations

  • Sad- Unhappiness caused by a loss or disappointment

  • Depressed- State of general unhappiness or melancholy

  • Guilt- feeling regret for a wrongdoing as it relates to another

  • Shame- feeling humiliated and distressed about making a perceived mistake 

“Yes” feelings, go feelings or “green light” feelings of opening:

  • Contentment- Serene or tranquil

  • Attraction- Drawn to someone or something that is seen as favorable

  • Joyful- Great pleasure and happiness

  • Easeful- Peaceful or restful

  • Satisfaction- The state of pleasurable fulfillment