How to Cope with Intense Situations as a Highly Sensitive Person (Episode 3)

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As an HSP, you may find that you experience physiological changes when you’re in intense situations. You have a job interview, a serious doctor’s appointment or an unexpected problem to deal with. And your heart pounds, your stomach churns, your underarms start to sweat, the blood rushes to your cheeks, your knees go weak, and you can’t think straight. 

Later, you try to piece together what happened by thinking about it over and over again. Your mind spins out of control, even keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep. 

This episode will help you make sense of what’s going and share strategies to cope before, during and after so you can restore physiological calm in your day and get a decent night’s sleep afterwards.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • 4 strategies for coping during an intense situation

  • How to help yourself recover in the minutes and hours afterwards

  • One daily habit that will give you an edge over this stress response

  • What a day in my life looks like when I have something big on the calendar and how I deal with the stress

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Episode 2 of The Happy Highly Sensitive Life Podcast, What it Means to Be a Highly Sensitive Person

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski

Insight Timer App

Headspace App

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