Have you ever wished you had a personalized guide for getting unstuck?

If you’re like most of my clients, you’ve read all the “change your life” books, and your podcast feed is full of ideas, strategies and tips for getting unstuck and creating more ease in your life.

You’ve spent a lot of time on personal growth (and have been doing everything “right”), but you’re still spinning your wheels and feeling worn out and overwhelmed.  Something’s not quite working in your life.

Please know, it’s not your fault that everything hasn’t fallen into place yet. 

You are unique and one of a kind and the advice and strategies that work for one person don’t necessarily work for another.

That’s where Human Design comes in. Human Design, with its synthesis of ancient systems and science, pinpoints you, drawing from your birth information.

Human Design shows you how you’re uniquely designed to create sustainable energy, to work and rest, cultivate relationships, build well-being, and conduct self-care. And how to tap into your inner knowing, manifest and fulfill your life purpose.

Human Design gives you a blueprint for embracing and utilizing your strengths to thrive.

And for viewing your sensitivity through a new lens.

The challenge with Human Design is that when you run your free chart, you’ll have no idea what you’re looking at. As a Human Design Practitioner, I’m here to help you make sense of what you’re seeing.

When you understand who you are and what you need, you can discover the right solutions for you. 

The Human Design Personalized Energy Map shows you who you are and what you need.


Receive a 50+ page downloadable custom blueprint to guide you as you begin to incorporate the principles of Human Design in your life.

Learn how you’re uniquely designed to create sustainable energy, to work and rest, cultivate relationships, build well-being, and conduct self-care. Plus, how to tap into your inner knowing, attract opportunities and fulfill your life purpose.

This Personalized Energy Map is curated for you based on your Human Design Chart.

Receive a downloadable hand-made personalized blueprint to guide you as you begin to incorporate the principles of Human Design in your life.

You will learn and receive detailed explanations of:

  • How to maximize your energy and vitality according to your energy Type

  • How you are designed to attract opportunities by following your Strategy

  • How you are meant to work and express your true gifts

  • How to tap into your inner voice and wisdom to make decisions that are aligned using your Inner Authority

  • Your intuitive, empathic and sensitive strengths

  • Your unique role and life purpose and what you’re here to master in this lifetime

  • How your Signature and Not-Self themes can guide you to find more ease and alignment

  • Your unique self-care needs by energy Type, including how to sleep and exercise

  • What you need to feel loved and valued in your relationships

  • Key challenges you may face and tips for overcoming them

  • How to start living by your Design

So that I may create your map, you will be asked to provide your Date of Birth, Birth Location (Country, City and State), and Birth Time.

I custom create every map and orders are lovingly fulfilled within 20 business days of purchase.

A custom Energy Map is $75 USD.

*I’m not currently accepting orders for energy maps.