11 Powerful Principles for Changing the World as an HSP: How To Use Your Super Senses and Influence the Masses by Being Yourself

Are you ever jealous? 

Jealous of people who have what you want? 

The career. The relationship. The talent?

I’ll admit it. I’m envious of Gabby Bernstein

That should have been me. I started reading about A Course in Miracles as a teenager. I could have been a spiritual teacher and a writer of best-selling books.

And I wonder why I’m not. What does she have that I don’t? 

Then I realized that as a highly sensitive person (HSP), I’ve got the wisdom and insight. But my process is more careful and cautious. I hit my stride later than other people and that’s okay. 

My envy shows me what I want. That I have a dream to fulfill. And that I’m ready to learn to use my super senses to change the world. 

Have you had this feeling, that you’re ready to go. If only you knew how? 

Here are 11 principles to catapult you into success while being your beautiful self.

1. You have everything you need within you. You already have the mental agility of a ninja. You know how to use your observational skills and deep thinking to uncover next steps and invent creative solutions. You are an excellent student, especially when you align your skills with your inspiration.

2. You are meant to fulfill your unique life mission. As an HSP, you can sense that your life has a special purpose. There’s something bigger you’re meant to do. Your powers of perception equip you to see the world differently. To teach. To lead. To heal. To make connections between the seen and unseen. There’s a buoyancy to being aligned with your purpose that propels you forward. 

3. Make a vow to keep going. To become a Jedi Master you must commit. To your mission. To the journey. Prepare to be in it for the long haul doing it your way. You’ve got 500,000 feet of rope to make the climb. That gives you plenty of room to find the sturdiest footholds. To establish your own pace and dive into the forest of knowledge that you pass along the way. And to rest and re-center knowing that you have time.

4. You may stall out but that’s just a speed bump. You can’t walk away from your life mission. After losing a newspaper column 6 months in, I tried to bury my dream of being a writer. What I learned is that your dream won’t let you abandon it. It’s like a four-year-old following you around. Pestering. Enticing. Picking. Urging you to play. Your most sophisticated stonewalling will be no match for the groundswell of endurance of a dream longing to take flight.  

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5. Success follows a recipe. Masters of the trade have written down the ingredients and simple steps for being successful. As an HSP with excellent powers of observation, you’re especially good at learning by watching what others have done. By reading, listening to podcasts, and talking to mentors, you can discover the steps too. Follow the simple formula and let it work for you. And pick teachers that inspire you with positive encouragement.

6. Say yes to being “in training”. Every new endeavor starts with a Phase 1. Laying a foundation. Knowing that excellent execution is built on the back of a series of misstarts and misfires. As an HSP, you are a deep learner. Combine that with your tendency to take careful action and you are unlikely to make the same mistake over and over. Everything you learn along the way is valuable information. 

7. Embrace the sensations of progress. The physical sensations of anxiety and excitement are very similar. You get to choose whether you view butterflies in your stomach as a monkey on your back telling you to stop. Or a traveling buddy excited for a new adventure. 

8. Over-prepare to get showtime ready. Practice and preparation implants “I’ve got this” into your soul so when your nervous system throws stress signals, you know it’s not happening because you don’t know your stuff. It’s just what your HSP body does when you’re trying something new. Practice deep belly breathing so you can reconnect your body to your brain when you need to.

9. Celebrate small increments of progress. With every step, you get closer to your goal. Growth comes from repetition. Every time I publish a new post, it’s a tangible sign that I’m growing as a writer, finding my voice and honing my skills. Instead of counting readers as a sign of my growth, I count blog posts.

10. Disarm the sting of self-consciousness. Move into the feelings that get stirred up by doing something new. You know that moment after you give a talk when you analyze every nuance of what you said and did? It seems counterintuitive, but when you analyze your actions, you’re avoiding your feelings. Feel the emotions instead, and they move along like clouds in the sky.   

11. Trust that you are a natural leader. You’re not like everyone else. You know this is true. All your life, people have asked for your opinion because you wear your wisdom on your sleeve. You are a deep observer of patterns. You see subtle distinctions and the full landscape. You are influential without even trying.  

The truth about you

You are made of stardust.  And your life has a special purpose.

As a student of the universe, you have wisdom beyond your years. 

Follow in the footsteps of the great masters. Replicate their formula for success. 

Over-prepare, celebrate small increments of progress, keep going, and you will change the world. 

YOUR TURN- Leave A Comment

Is you heart calling you to act on behalf of a dream? If so, what will you do to get started? Leave a comment, you may inspire someone else.