7 Tips for Staying Positive When You’re Self-isolating Alone as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

When you live alone as an introverted Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), even if you love solitude, you may need a little help to keep a positive mental attitude when self-isolating for Coronavirus. Here's how to create a high vibe routine that will kee…

I lived alone for about 10 of the last 20 years.

As an introverted Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I loved having my own space. With no roommates, you get to make all your own rules. 

But if you’re self-isolating at home alone, even if you love solitude, you may need a little help to stay in a positive place, to feel comforted and like you’re never short on companionship. 

That’s where a high vibe routine comes into play. This special routine provides a roadmap for transforming a ho hum day into a good day. Here’s how to make one. 

Creating a high vibe routine for feeling good

If my mind had rooms I could visit, my favorite rooms would be the creative spaces for writing, brainstorming, photography and cooking. I flourish and light up when I spend more of my waking hours in these rooms. These are the rooms with a penthouse view and a fully stocked mini fridge. The possibilities feel endless in these spaces. 

On the other hand, there are parts of my mind that feel like basement rooms. That’s where the walls are plastered with large screen televisions showing only the national news and reruns of Judge Judy. That’s my personal version of a nightmare. The toilet in the bathroom is clogged and the TP roll is empty. Worry hangs thick like smoke. It’s hard to imagine anything new and good happening in a basement room. 

Here’s the good news, you get to pick which rooms your mind visits. 

One of the basic principles of the universe is that what you focus on grows, right? So now is the time to be careful about where you put your attention. 

Here’s how to do it. 

1.Adopt a wake up routine for starting each day on a high note. Happiness research shows we’re happier when we have some goals. I always think I love having hours of open time to do nothing. But when it comes down to it, I’m actually happier with goals and direction. During the pandemic, I’ve been working from home and each weekday, I have the same goal directed morning routine. Wake up with the alarm. Write for 60 minutes. Exercise for 15 minutes. Wash face, do makeup and hair, get dressed (this always makes me feel more human). Start work at the same time each day. 

When you live alone as an introverted Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), even if you love solitude, you may need a little help to keep a positive mental attitude when self-isolating for Coronavirus. Here's how to create a high vibe routine that will kee…

2.Know which activities lift your spirits. You already know that being creative and writing, photography and cooking are all high vibe activities for me. That’s because they are intellectually absorbing, give me a sense of purpose and keep my mind in the present moment. I also get a high from listening to audiobooks and podcasts that get me thinking about my favorite activities. I love empowering music with positive messages, singing, dancing and recording videos to cheer up other people. What lifts your spirits?

When you live alone as an introverted Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), even if you love solitude, you may need a little help to keep a positive mental attitude when self-isolating for Coronavirus. Here's how to create a high vibe routine that will kee…

3.Hit your mental reset button when you need a pick me up. When I’m overwhelmed, there’s one thing that I do that always perks me up. Laying down and shutting my eyes for just 15 minutes leaves me refreshed and refocused. It sweeps my brain clean when it feels cluttered and worn. It gets me back on track with my regular routine and works every time. Try it. How does it work for you?

4.Discover new and fun ways to be social with friends and family. I’m playing a picture guessing game with my sister’s family. Every day Adam takes a mystery picture of an object and sends it out to the group. We have to guess what it is. It’s fun, bonds us, and gives us something positive to focus on. Play an online game with your family and friends. Trade funny videos. Start a book group and have a weekly book discussion by Zoom. Binge watch a show together. Never watched Game of Thrones? Maybe now’s the time. 

When you live alone as an introverted Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), even if you love solitude, you may need a little help to keep a positive mental attitude when self-isolating for Coronavirus. Here's how to create a high vibe routine that will kee…

5.Dial in on activities that warm your heart and lighten the mood. I relax when I look at dog pictures and videos. Or really any animal pictures. Now is the time to surround yourself with funny animal videos and to flip through your favorite old pictures and videos of your loved ones. 

When you live alone as an introverted Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), even if you love solitude, you may need a little help to keep a positive mental attitude when self-isolating for Coronavirus. Here's how to create a high vibe routine that will kee…

6.Have a weekend routine for fun and relaxation at home. Weekend goals boost my happiness the same way weekday goals do. For the weekends, I set blogging goals that feed my creativity. But I also have special activities reserved just for the weekend, like cooking a special dinner and then eating it by the fireplace. Or doing a super satisfying long workout and following it up with an Epsom salt bath for serious relaxation. And spending time in the sunshine on the deck, reading and writing. I’m also a Gilmore Girls newbie and am binge watching from season one. Make sure you have a plan going into the weekend. Plans feel good right now. 

7.Develop a comforting ritual for unwinding. We loved our fuzzy blankets and stuffed animals when we were kids for a reason. They make you feel good. Remember when you were a kid how relaxed a warm bath, a hot cup of milk, some soft pajamas and a story in bed made you feel?  You’re never too old for a cozy bedtime routine. Wrap up in your favorite blanket or wrap your arms around a favorite pillow for a full body hug. 

When you live alone as an introverted Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), even if you love solitude, you may need a little help to keep a positive mental attitude when self-isolating for Coronavirus. Here's how to create a high vibe routine that will kee…

Make your routines a source of companionship

When you live alone, even if you love solitude, you may need a little help to stay in a positive place.

Happiness research shows we’re happier when we’ve got goals and structure. 

Set up high vibe habits centered around activities you love and that comfort you. 

What you focus on grows. Now’s the time to focus on what’s good and to notice new possibilities for your days. Make this time at home exactly what you want it to be.

You’ve got this.  

YOUR TURN- Leave a comment

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